Package 'forecastSNSTS'

Title: Forecasting for Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series
Description: Methods to compute linear h-step ahead prediction coefficients based on localised and iterated Yule-Walker estimates and empirical mean squared and absolute prediction errors for the resulting predictors. Also, functions to compute autocovariances for AR(p) processes, to simulate tvARMA(p,q) time series, and to verify an assumption from Kley et al. (2017), Preprint <>.
Authors: Tobias Kley [aut, cre], Philip Preuss [aut], Piotr Fryzlewicz [aut]
Maintainer: Tobias Kley <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.2-0.9000
Built: 2025-03-04 03:16:24 UTC

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Forecasting of Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series


Methods to compute linear hh-step ahead prediction coefficients based on localised and iterated Yule-Walker estimates and empirical mean squared and absolute prediction errors for the resulting predictors. Also, functions to compute autocovariances for AR(p) processes, to simulate tvARMA(p,q) time series, and to verify an assumption from Kley et al. (2017).


Package: forecastSNSTS
Type: Package
Version: 1.2-0
Date: 2017-06-18
License: GPL (>= 2)


The core functionality of this R package is accessable via the function predCoef, which is used to compute the linear prediction coefficients, and the functions MSPE and MAPE, which are used to compute the empirical mean squared or absolute prediction errors. Further, the function f can be used to verify condition (10) of Theorem 3.1 in Kley et al. (2017) for any given tvAR(p) model. The function tvARMA can be used to simulate time-varying ARMA(p,q) time series. The function acfARp computes the autocovariances of a AR(p) process from the coefficients and innovations standard deviation.


Tobias Kley


Kley, T., Preuss, P. & Fryzlewicz, P. (2017). Predictive, finite-sample model choice for time series under stationarity and non-stationarity. [cf.]

Compute autocovariances of an AR(p) process


This functions returns the autocovariances Cov(Xtk,Xt)Cov(X_{t-k}, X_t) of a stationary time series (Yt)(Y_t) that fulfills the following equation:

Yt=j=1pajYtj+σεt,Y_t = \sum_{j=1}^p a_j Y_{t-j} + \sigma \varepsilon_{t},

where σ>0\sigma > 0, εt\varepsilon_t is white noise and a1,,apa_1, \ldots, a_p are real numbers satisfying that the roots z0z_0 of the polynomial 1j=1pajzj1 - \sum_{j=1}^p a_j z^j lie strictly outside the unit circle.


acfARp(a = NULL, sigma, k)



vector (a1,,ap)(a_1, \ldots, a_p) of coefficients; default NULL, corresponding to p = 0, white noise with variance σ2\sigma^2,


standard deviation of εt\varepsilon_t; default 1,


lag for which to compute the autocovariances.


Returns autocovariance at lag k of the AR(p) process.


## Taken from Section 6 in Dahlhaus (1997, AoS)
a1 <- function(u) {1.8 * cos(1.5 - cos(4*pi*u))}
a2 <- function(u) {-0.81}
# local autocovariance for u === 1/2: lag 1
acfARp(a = c(a1(1/2), a2(1/2)), sigma = 1, k = 1)
# local autocovariance for u === 1/2: lag -2
acfARp(a = c(a1(1/2), a2(1/2)), sigma = 1, k = -1)
# local autocovariance for u === 1/2: the variance
acfARp(a = c(a1(1/2), a2(1/2)), sigma = 1, k = 0)

Mean Squared Prediction Errors, for a single hh


This function computes the estimated mean squared prediction errors from a given time series and prediction coefficients



the data


the array of coefficients.


which lead time to compute the MSPE for


a vector of times from which backward the forecasts are computed


indicating what type of measure of accuracy is to be computed; 1: mspe, 2: msae


percentage of lower observations to be trimmed away


percentage of upper observations to be trimmed away


The array of prediction coefficients coef is expected to be of dimension P x P x H x length(N) x length(t) and in the format as it is returned by the function predCoef. More precisely, for p=1,,Pp=1,\ldots,P and the j.Nth element of N element of N the coefficient of the h-step ahead predictor for Xi+hX_{i+h} which is computed from the observations Xi,,Xip+1X_i, \ldots, X_{i-p+1} has to be available via coef[p, 1:p, h, j.N, t==i].

Note that t have to be the indices corresponding to the coefficients.

The resulting mean squared prediction error

1TtT(Xt+h(Xt,,Xtp+1)v^N[j.N],T(p,h)(t))2\frac{1}{|\mathcal{T}|} \sum_{t \in \mathcal{T}} (X_{t+h} - (X_t, \ldots, X_{t-p+1}) \hat v_{N[j.N],T}^{(p,h)}(t))^2

is then stored in the resulting matrix at position (p, j.N).


Returns a P x length(N) matrix with the results.

Compute f(δ)f(\delta) for a tvAR(p) process


This functions computes the quantity f(δ)f(\delta) defined in (10) of Kley et al. (2017) when the underlying process follows an tvAR(p) process. Recall that, to apply Theorem 3.1 in Kley et al. (2017), the function f(δ)f(\delta) is required to be positive, which can be verified with the numbers returned from this function. The function returns a vector with elements f(δ)f(\delta) for each δ\delta in which.deltas, with f(δ)f(\delta) defined as

f(δ):=minp1,p2=0,,pmaxminNNMSPEs1/T,m/T(p1,h)(s1T)(1+δ)MSPEN/T,m/T(p2,h)(s1T),δ0f(\delta) := \min_{p_1,p_2 = 0, \ldots, p_{\max}} \min_{N \in \mathcal{N}} \Big| {\rm MSPE}_{s_1/T,m/T}^{(p_1,h)}(\frac{s_1}{T}) - (1+\delta) \cdot {\rm MSPE}_{N/T,m/T}^{(p_2,h)}(\frac{s_1}{T}) \Big|, \quad \delta \geq 0

where T,m,pmax,hT, m, p_{\max}, h are positive integers, N{pmax+1,,Tmh}\mathcal{N} \subset \{p_{\max}+1, \ldots, T-m-h\}, and s1:=Tmh+1s_1 := T-m-h+1.


f(which.deltas, p_max, h, T, Ns, m, a, sigma)



vector containing the δ\delta's for which to to compute f(δ)f(\delta),


parameter pmaxp_{\max},


parameter hh,


parameter TT,


a vector containing the elements of the set N\mathcal{N},


parameter mm,


a list of real-valued functions, specifying the coefficients of the tvAR(p) process,


a positive-valued function, specifying the variance of the innovations of the tvAR(p) process,


The function MSPEΔ1,Δ2(p,h)(u){\rm MSPE}_{\Delta_1, \Delta_2}^{(p,h)}(u) is defined, for real-valued uu and Δ1,Δ20\Delta_1, \Delta_2 \geq 0, in terms of the second order properties of the process:

MSPEΔ1,Δ2(p,h)(u):=01gΔ1(p,h)(u+Δ2(1x))dx,{\rm MSPE}_{\Delta_1, \Delta_2}^{(p,h)}(u) := \int_0^1 g^{(p,h)}_{\Delta_1}\Big( u + \Delta_2 (1-x) \Big) {\rm d}x,

with gΔ(0,h)(u):=γ0(u)g^{(0,h)}_{\Delta}(u) := \gamma_0(u) and, for p=1,2,p = 1, 2, \ldots,

gΔ(p,h)(u):=γ0(u)2(vΔ(p,h)(u))γ0(p,h)(u)+(vΔ(p,h)(u))Γ0(p)(u)vΔ(p,h)(u)g^{(p,h)}_{\Delta}(u) := \gamma_0(u) - 2 \big( v_{\Delta}^{(p,h)}(u) \big)' \gamma_0^{(p,h)}(u) + \big( v_{\Delta}^{(p,h)}(u) \big)' \Gamma_0^{(p)}(u) v_{\Delta}^{(p,h)}(u)

γ0(p,h)(u):=(γh(u),,γh+p1(u)),\gamma_0^{(p,h)}(u) := \big( \gamma_h(u), \ldots, \gamma_{h+p-1}(u) \big)',


vΔ(p,h)(u):=e1(e1(aΔ(p)(t))+H)h,v^{(p,h)}_{\Delta}(u) := e'_1 \big( e_1 \big( a_{\Delta}^{(p)}(t) \big)' + H \big)^h,

with e1e_1 and HH defined in the documentation of predCoef and, for every real-valued uu and Δ0\Delta \geq 0,

aΔ(p)(u):=ΓΔ(p)(u)1γΔ(p)(u),a^{(p)}_{\Delta}(u) := \Gamma^{(p)}_{\Delta}(u)^{-1} \gamma^{(p)}_{\Delta}(u),


γΔ(p)(u):=01γ(p)(u+Δ(x1))dx,γ(p)(u):=[γ1(u)    γp(u)],\gamma^{(p)}_{\Delta}(u) := \int_0^1 \gamma^{(p)}(u+\Delta (x-1)) {\rm d}x, \quad \gamma^{(p)}(u) := [\gamma_1(u)\;\ldots\;\gamma_p(u)]',

ΓΔ(p)(u):=01Γ(p)(u+Δ(x1))dx,Γ(p)(u):=(γij(u);i,j=1,,p).\Gamma^{(p)}_{\Delta}(u) := \int_0^1 \Gamma^{(p)}(u+\Delta (x-1)) {\rm d}x, \quad \Gamma^{(p)}(u) := (\gamma_{i-j}(u);\,i,j=1,\ldots,p).

The local autocovariances γk(u)\gamma_k(u) are defined as the lag-kk autocovariances of an AR(p) process which has coefficients a1(u),,ap(u)a_1(u), \ldots, a_p(u) and innovations with variance σ(u)2\sigma(u)^2, because the underlying model is assumed to be tvAR(p)

Yt,T=j=1paj(t/T)Ytj,T+σ(t/T)εt,Y_{t,T} = \sum_{j=1}^p a_j(t/T) Y_{t-j,T} + \sigma(t/T) \varepsilon_{t},

where a1,,apa_1, \ldots, a_p are real valued functions (defined on [0,1][0,1]) and σ\sigma is a positive function (defined on [0,1][0,1]).


Returns a vector with the values f(δ)f(\delta), as defined in (10) of Kley et al. (2017), for each δ\delta in


## Not run: 
## because computation is quite time-consuming.
n <- 100
a <- list( function(u) {return(0.8+0.19*sin(4*pi*u))} )
sigma <- function (u) {return(1)}

Ns <- seq( floor((n/2)^(4/5)), floor(n^(4/5)),
           ceiling((floor(n^(4/5)) - floor((n/2)^(4/5)))/25) )
which.deltas <- c(0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6)
P_max <- 7
H <- 1
m <- floor(n^(.85)/4)

# now replicate some results from Table 4 in Kley et al. (2017)
f( which.deltas, P_max, h = 1, n - m, Ns, m, a, sigma )
f( which.deltas, P_max, h = 5, n - m, Ns, m, a, sigma )

## End(Not run)

Mean squared or absolute hh-step ahead prediction errors


The function MSPE computes the empirical mean squared prediction errors for a collection of hh-step ahead, linear predictors (h=1,,Hh=1,\ldots,H) of observations Xt+hX_{t+h}, where m1t+hm2m_1 \leq t+h \leq m_2, for two indices m1m_1 and m2m_2. The resulting array provides

1mlomup+1t=mlomupR(t)2,\frac{1}{m_{\rm lo} - m_{\rm up} + 1} \sum_{t=m_{\rm lo}}^{m_{\rm up}} R_{(t)}^2,

with R(t)R_{(t)} being the prediction errors

Rt:=Xt+h(Xt,,Xtp+1)v^N,T(p,h)(t),R_t := | X_{t+h} - (X_t, \ldots, X_{t-p+1}) \hat v_{N,T}^{(p,h)}(t) |,

ordered by magnitude; i.e., they are such that R(t)R(t+1)R_{(t)} \leq R_{(t+1)}. The lower and upper limits of the indices are mlo:=m1h+(m2m1+1)α1m_{\rm lo} := m_1-h + \lfloor (m_2-m_1+1) \alpha_1 \rfloor and mup:=m2h(m2m1+1)α2m_{\rm up} := m_2-h - \lfloor (m_2-m_1+1) \alpha_2 \rfloor. The function MAPE computes the empirical mean absolute prediction errors

1mlomup+1t=mlomupR(t),\frac{1}{m_{\rm lo} - m_{\rm up} + 1} \sum_{t=m_{\rm lo}}^{m_{\rm up}} R_{(t)},

with mlom_{\rm lo}, mupm_{\rm up} and R(t)R_{(t)} defined as before.


MSPE(X, predcoef, m1 = length(X)/10, m2 = length(X), P = 1, H = 1,
  N = c(0, seq(P + 1, m1 - H + 1)), trimLo = 0, trimUp = 0)

MAPE(X, predcoef, m1 = length(X)/10, m2 = length(X), P = 1, H = 1,
  N = c(0, seq(P + 1, m1 - H + 1)), trimLo = 0, trimUp = 0)



the data X1,,XTX_1, \ldots, X_T


the prediction coefficients in form of a list of an array coef, and two integer vectors t and N. The two integer vectors provide the information for which indices tt and segment lengths NN the coefficients are to be interpreted; (m1-H):(m2-1) has to be a subset of predcoef$t. if not provided the necessary coefficients will be computed using predCoef.


first index from the set in which the indices t+ht+h shall lie


last index from the set in which the indices t+ht+h shall lie


maximum order of prediction coefficients to be used; must not be larger than dim(predcoef$coef)[1].


maximum lead time to be used; must not be larger than dim(predcoef$coef)[3].


vector with the segment sizes to be used, 0 corresponds to using 1, ..., t; has to be a subset of predcoef$N.


percentage α1\alpha_1 of lower observations to be trimmed away


percentage α2\alpha_2 of upper observations to be trimmed away


MSPE returns an object of type MSPE that has mspe, an array of size H×\timesP×\timeslength(N), as an attribute, as well as the parameters N, m1, m2, P, and H. MAPE analogously returns an object of type MAPE that has mape and the same parameters as attributes.


T <- 1000
X <- rnorm(T)
P <- 5
H <- 1
m <- 20
Nmin <- 20
pcoef <- predCoef(X, P, H, (T - m - H + 1):T, c(0, seq(Nmin, T - m - H, 1)))

mspe <- MSPE(X, pcoef, 991, 1000, 3, 1, c(0, Nmin:(T-m-H)))

plot(mspe, vr = 1, Nmin = Nmin)

Plot a MSPE or MAPE object


The function plot.MSPE plots a MSPE object that is returned by the MSPE function. The function plot.MAPE plots a MAPE object that is returned by the MAPE function.


## S3 method for class 'MSPE'
plot(x, vr = NULL, h = 1, N_min = 1, legend = TRUE,
  display.mins = TRUE, add.for.legend = 0, ...)

## S3 method for class 'MAPE'
plot(x, vr = NULL, h = 1, N_min = 1, legend = TRUE,
  display.mins = TRUE, add.for.legend = 0, ...)



The MSPE or MAPE object to be plotted.


parameter to plot a line at level vr. Intended to be used to plot the mean squared prediction error of the trivial, null predictor; optional.


Defines for which hh-step predictor the mean squared prediction errors will be shown; default: 1.


If specified, the mean squared prediction errors with N<NminN < N_{\rm min} will not be shown; integer and optional.


Flag to specify if a legend, indicating which colour of the lines corresponds to which pp, will be shown; default: TRUE.


Flag to specify if the minima for each pp, and the minimum accross N=0N=0 will be highlighted.


add this much extra space for the legend, right of the lines.


Arguments to be passed to the underlying plot method


Returns the plot, as specified.

See Also


hh-step Prediction coefficients


This function computes the localised and iterated Yule-Walker coefficients for h-step ahead forecasting of Xt+hX_{t+h} from Xt,...,Xtp+1X_{t}, ..., X_{t-p+1}, where h=1,,h = 1, \ldots, H and p=1,,p = 1, \ldots, P.



the data X1,,XTX_1, \ldots, X_T


the maximum order of coefficients to be computed; has to be a positive integer


the maximum lead time; has to be a positive integer


a vector of values tt; the elements have to satisfy max(t) <= length(X) and min(t) >= min(max(N[N != 0]),p).


a vector of values NN; the elements have to satisfy max(N[N != 0]) <= min(t) and min(N[N != 0]) >= 1 + P. N=0N = 0 corresponds to the case where all data is taken into account.


For every tt \in t and every NN \in N the (iterated) Yule-Walker estimates v^N,T(p,h)(t)\hat v_{N,T}^{(p,h)}(t) are computed. They are defined as

v^N,T(p,h)(t):=e1(e1(a^N,T(p)(t))+H)h,N1,\hat v_{N,T}^{(p,h)}(t) := e'_1 \big( e_1 \big( \hat a_{N,T}^{(p)}(t) \big)' + H \big)^h, \quad N \geq 1,


v^0,T(p,h)(t):=v^t,T(p,h)(t),\hat v_{0,T}^{(p,h)}(t) := \hat v_{t,T}^{(p,h)}(t),


e1:=(100),H:=(000010000100000010)e_1 := \left(\begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \end{array} \right), \quad H := \left( \begin{array}{ccccc} 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & 1 & 0 \end{array} \right)


a^N,T(p)(t):=(Γ^N,T(p)(t))1γ^N,T(p)(t),\hat a_{N,T}^{(p)}(t) := \big( \hat\Gamma_{N,T}^{(p)}(t) \big)^{-1} \hat\gamma_{N,T}^{(p)}(t),


Γ^N,T(p)(t):=[γ^ij;N,T(t)]i,j=1,,p,γ^N,T(p)(t):=(γ^1;N,T(t),,γ^p;N,T(t))\hat\Gamma_{N,T}^{(p)}(t) := \big[ \hat \gamma_{i-j;N,T}(t) \big]_{i,j = 1, \ldots, p}, \quad \hat \gamma_{N,T}^{(p)}(t) := \big( \hat \gamma_{1;N,T}(t), \ldots, \hat \gamma_{p;N,T}(t) \big)'


γ^k;N,T(t):=1N=tN+k+1tXk,TX,T\hat \gamma_{k;N,T}(t) := \frac{1}{N} \sum_{\ell=t-N+|k|+1}^{t} X_{\ell-|k|,T} X_{\ell,T}

is the usual lag-kk autocovariance estimator (without mean adjustment), computed from the observations XtN+1,,XtX_{t-N+1}, \ldots, X_{t}.

The Durbin-Levinson Algorithm is used to successively compute the solutions to the Yule-Walker equations (cf. Brockwell/Davis (1991), Proposition 5.2.1). To compute the hh-step ahead coefficients we use the recursive relationship

v^i,N,T(p)(t,h)=a^i,N,T(p)(t)v^1,N,T(p,h1)(t)+v^i+1,N,T(p,h1)(t)I{ip1},\hat v_{i,N,T}^{(p)}(t,h) = \hat a_{i,N,T}^{(p)}(t) \hat v_{1,N,T}^{(p,h-1)}(t) + \hat v_{i+1,N,T}^{(p,h-1)}(t) I\{i \leq p-1\},

(cf. the proof of Lemma E.3 in Kley et al. (2017)).


Returns a named list with elements coef, t, and N, where coef is an array of dimension P ×\times P ×\times H ×\times length(t) ×\times length(N), and t, and N are the parameters provided on the call of the function. See the example on how to access the vector v^N,T(p,h)(t)\hat v_{N,T}^{(p,h)}(t).


Brockwell, P. J. & Davis, R. A. (1991). Time Series: Theory and Methods. Springer, New York.


T <- 100
X <- rnorm(T)

P <- 5
H <- 1
m <- 20

Nmin <- 25
pcoef <- predCoef(X, P, H, (T - m - H + 1):T, c(0, seq(Nmin, T - m - H, 1)))

## Access the prediction vector for p = 2, h = 1, t = 95, N = 25
p <- 2
h <- 1
t <- 95
N <- 35
res <- pcoef$coef[p, 1:p, h, pcoef$t == t, pcoef$N == N]

Simulation of an tvARMA(p) time series.


Returns a simulated time series Y1,T,...,YT,TY_{1,T}, ..., Y_{T,T} that fulfills the following equation:

Yt,T=j=1paj(t/T)Ytj,T+σ(t/T)εt+k=1qσ((tk)/T)bk(t/T)εtk,Y_{t,T} = \sum_{j=1}^p a_j(t/T) Y_{t-j,T} + \sigma(t/T) \varepsilon_{t} + \sum_{k=1}^q \sigma((t-k)/T) b_k(t/T) \varepsilon_{t-k},

where a1,,ap,b0,b1,,bqa_1, \ldots, a_p, b_0, b_1, \ldots, b_q are real-valued functions on [0,1][0,1], σ\sigma is a positive function on [0,1][0,1] and εt\varepsilon_t is white noise.


tvARMA(T = 128, a = list(), b = list(), sigma = function(u) {    
  return(1) }, innov = function(n) {     rnorm(n, 0, 1) })



length of the time series to be returned


list of p real-valued functions defined on [0,1][0,1]


list of q real-valued functions defined on [0,1][0,1]




a function with one argument n that simulates a vector of the n residuals εt\varepsilon_t.


Returns a tvARMA(p,q) time series with specified parameters.


## Taken from Section 6 in Dahlhaus (1997, AoS)
a1 <- function(u) {1.8 * cos(1.5 - cos(4 * pi * u))}
a2 <- function(u) {-0.81}
plot(tvARMA(128, a = list(a1, a2), b = list()), type = "l")

Workhorse function for tvARMA time series generation


More explanation!



a ...


a ...




a ...


a ...


Returns a ...