Package: quantspec 1.2-1.99

Tobias Kley

quantspec: Quantile-Based Spectral Analysis of Time Series

Methods to determine, smooth and plot quantile periodograms for univariate and multivariate time series.

Authors:Tobias Kley [aut, cre], Stefan Birr [ctb]

quantspec.pdf |quantspec.html
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# Install 'quantspec' in R:
install.packages('quantspec', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • sp500 - S&P 500: Standard and Poor's 500 stock index, 2007-2010
  • wheatprices - Beveridge's Wheat Price Index (detrended and demeaned), 1500-1869


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Quantile-Based Spectral Analysis in an Object-Oriented Framework and a Reference Implementation in R: The quantspec Package

Rendered fromquantspec.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Aug 21 2024.

Last update: 2016-03-27
Started: 2014-04-20

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Quantile-Based Spectral Analysis of Time Seriesquantspec-package quantspec
Class for Generation of Bootstrapped Replications of a Time Series.BootPos BootPos-class
Class to calculate copula covariances from a time series with given levels. Calculates for each combination of levels (tau1,tau2) and for all k<maxLag the copula covariances Cov(Ind{X0<tau1},Ind{Xk<tau2}) and writes it to 'values[k]' from its superclass 'LagOperator'.ClippedCov ClippedCov-class
Create an instance of the 'ClippedCov' class.clippedCov ClippedCov-constructor
Class for Fourier transform of the clipped time series.ClippedFT ClippedFT-class
Create an instance of the 'ClippedFT' class.clippedFT ClippedFT-constructor
Positions of elements which are closest to some reference elements.closest.pos
S&P 500: Standard and Poor's 500 stock index, 2007-2010data-sp500 sp500
Beveridge's Wheat Price Index (detrended and demeaned), 1500-1869data-wheatprices wheatprices
Class for Frequency Representation.FreqRep FreqRep-class
Validates if frequencies are Fourier frequencies from [0,pi].frequenciesValidator
Generic functions for accessing attributes of objectsgenerics-accessors getB getBw getCoherency getCoherencySdNaive getDescr getFrequencies getIsRankBased getLagOperator getLevels getMaxLag getMeanPG getN getParallel getPointwiseCIs getR getSdBoot getSdNaive getStdError getTs getType getValues getW getWnj getY
Generic functions for accessing associations of objectsgenerics-associations getBootPos getFreqRep getQuantilePG getQuantileSD getWeight
Generic functions for implementation of methods of a classgenerics-functions getPositions increasePrecision
Get 'B' from a 'FreqRep' object.getB,FreqRep-method getB-FreqRep
Get 'B' from a 'LagOperator' object.getB,LagOperator-method getB-LagOperator
Get associated 'BootPos' from a 'FreqRep'.getBootPos,FreqRep-method getBootPos-FreqRep
Get associated 'BootPos' from a 'LagOperator'.getBootPos,LagOperator-method getBootPos-LagOperator
Get attribute 'bw' (bandwidth / scaling parameter used for smoothing) from a 'KernelWeight'.getBw,KernelWeight-method getBw-KernelWeight
Get attribute 'bw' (bandwidth / scaling parameter used for smoothing) from a 'LagKernelWeight'.getBw,LagKernelWeight-method getBw-LagKernelWeight
Compute quantile coherency from a quantile spectral density kernelgetCoherency,QuantileSD-method getCoherency-QuantileSD
Compute quantile coherency from a smoothed quantile periodogram.getCoherency,SmoothedPG-method getCoherency-SmoothedPG
Get estimates for the standard deviation of the coherency computed from smoothed quantile periodogram.getCoherencySdNaive,SmoothedPG-method getCoherencySdNaive-SmoothedPG
Get attribute 'descr' from a 'Weight'.getDescr,Weight-method getDescr-Weight
Get associated 'FreqRep' from a 'QuantilePG'.getFreqRep,QuantilePG-method getFreqRep-QuantilePG
Get attribute 'frequencies' from a 'FreqRep'.getFrequencies,FreqRep-method getFrequencies-FreqRep
Get attribute 'frequencies' from a 'QSpecQuantity'.getFrequencies,QSpecQuantity-method getFrequencies-QSpecQuantity
Get 'isRankBased' from a 'FreqRep' objectgetIsRankBased,FreqRep-method getIsRankBased-FreqRep
Get 'isRankBased' from a 'LagOperator' objectgetIsRankBased,LagOperator-method getIsRankBased-LagOperator
Get associated 'LagOperator' from a 'LagEstimator'.getLagOperator,LagEstimator-method getLagOperator-LagEstimator
Get attribute 'levels' from a 'FreqRep'.getLevels,FreqRep-method getLevels-FreqRep
Get attribute 'levels' from a 'LagOperator'.getLevels,LagOperator-method getLevels-LagOperator
Get attribute 'levels' from a 'QSpecQuantity'.getLevels,QSpecQuantity-method getLevels-QSpecQuantity
Get 'maxLag' from a 'LagOperator' object.getMaxLag,LagOperator-method getMaxLag-LagOperator
Get 'meanPG' from a quantile spectral density kernelgetMeanPG,QuantileSD-method getMeanPG-QuantileSD
Get 'N' from a quantile spectral density kernelgetN,QuantileSD-method getN-QuantileSD
Get 'getParallel' from a 'QRegEstimator' objectgetParallel,QRegEstimator-method getParallel-QRegEstimator
Get pointwise confidence intervals for the quantile spectral density kernelgetPointwiseCIs,LagEstimator-method getPointwiseCIs-LagEstimator
Get pointwise confidence intervals for the quantile spectral density kernel, quantile coherency or quantile coherence.getPointwiseCIs,SmoothedPG-method getPointwiseCIs-SmoothedPG
Get Positions for the Moving Blocks Bootstrap.getPositions,MovingBlocks-method getPositions-MovingBlocks
Get associated 'QuantilePG' from a 'QuantileSD'.getQuantilePG,QuantileSD-method getQuantilePG-QuantileSD
Get associated 'QuantilePG' from a 'SmoothedPG'.getQuantilePG,SmoothedPG-method getQuantilePG-SmoothedPG
Get associated 'getQuantileSD' from an 'IntegrQuantileSD'.getQuantileSD,IntegrQuantileSD-method getQuantileSD-IntegrQuantileSD
Get 'R' from a quantile spectral density kernelgetR,QuantileSD-method getR-QuantileSD
Get bootstrap estimates for the standard deviation of the lag-window type estimator.getSdBoot,LagEstimator-method getSdBoot-LagEstimator
Get bootstrap estimates for the standard deviation of the smoothed quantile periodogram.getSdBoot,SmoothedPG-method getSdBoot-SmoothedPG
Get estimates for the standard deviation of the lagEstimator derived from the asymptotics (see Birr et al (2015))getSdNaive,LagEstimator-method getSdNaive-LagEstimator
Get estimates for the standard deviation of the smoothed quantile periodogram.getSdNaive,SmoothedPG-method getSdNaive-SmoothedPG
Get 'stdError' from a quantile spectral density kernelgetStdError,QuantileSD-method getStdError-QuantileSD
Get 'ts' from a quantile spectral density kernelgetTs,QuantileSD-method getTs-QuantileSD
Get 'type' from a quantile spectral density kernelgetType,QuantileSD-method getType-QuantileSD
Get values from a frequency representation.getValues,FreqRep-method getValues-FreqRep
Get values from a simulated integrated quantile spectral density kernelgetValues,IntegrQuantileSD-method getValues-IntegrQuantileSD
Get values from a weight object determined by a kernel function 'W' and a bandwidth 'b'.getValues,KernelWeight-method getValues-KernelWeight
Get values from a lag-window type estimator.getValues,LagEstimator-method getValues-LagEstimator
Get values from a weight object determined by a kernel function 'W' and a bandwidth 'bw'.getValues,LagKernelWeight-method getValues-LagKernelWeight
Get attribute 'values' from a 'LagOperator'.getValues,LagOperator-method getValues-LagOperator
Get values from a quantile periodogram.getValues,QuantilePG-method getValues-QuantilePG
Get values from a quantile spectral density kernelgetValues,QuantileSD-method getValues-QuantileSD
Get values from a smoothed quantile periodogram.getValues,SmoothedPG-method getValues-SmoothedPG
Get values from a weight object of type 'SpecDistrWeight'getValues,SpecDistrWeight-method getValues-SpecDistrWeight
Get attribute 'W' (kernel used for smoothing) from a 'KernelWeight'.getW,KernelWeight-method getW-KernelWeight
Get attribute 'W' (kernel used for smoothing) from a 'LagKernelWeight'.getW,LagKernelWeight-method getW-LagKernelWeight
Get associated 'Weight' from a 'LagEstimator'.getWeight,LagEstimator-method getWeight-LagEstimator
Get associated 'Weight' from a 'SmoothedPG'.getWeight,SmoothedPG-method getWeight-SmoothedPG
Get attribute 'Wnj' from a 'QSpecQuantity'.getWnj,KernelWeight-method getWnj-KernelWeight
Get 'Y' from a 'FreqRep' object.getY,FreqRep-method getY-FreqRep
Increase the precision of a 'QuantileSD'increasePrecision,QuantileSD-method increasePrecision-QuantileSD
Class for a simulated integrated quantile (i. e., Laplace or copula) density kernel.IntegrQuantileSD IntegrQuantileSD-class
Create an instance of the 'IntegrQuantileSD' class.integrQuantileSD IntegrQuantileSD-constructor
Checks whether 'x' contains integer
Kernel function.kernels W0 W1 W2 W3 WDaniell WParzen
Class for Brillinger-type Kernel weights.KernelWeight KernelWeight-class
Create an instance of the 'KernelWeight' class.kernelWeight KernelWeight-constructor
Class for a lag-window type estimator.LagEstimator LagEstimator-class
Create an instance of the 'LagEstimator' class.lagEstimator LagEstimator-constructor
Class for lag window generatorsLagKernelWeight LagKernelWeight-class
Create an instance of the 'LagKernelWeight' class.lagKernelWeight LagKernelWeight-constructor
Interface Class to access different types of operators on time series.LagOperator LagOperator-class
Validates if 'Y' is of an appropriate type for a time series and returns the length of the time series.lenTS
Class for Moving Blocks Bootstrap implementation.MovingBlocks MovingBlocks-class
Create an instance of the 'MovingBlocks' class.movingBlocks MovingBlocks-constructor
Plot the values of the 'FreqRep'.plot,FreqRep,ANY-method plot-FreqRep
Plot the values of the 'IntegrQuantileSD'.plot,IntegrQuantileSD,ANY-method plot-IntegrQuantileSD
Plot the values of the 'KernelWeight'.plot,KernelWeight,missing-method plot-KernelWeight
Plot the values of a 'LagEstimator'.plot,LagEstimator,ANY-method plot-LagEstimator
Plot the values of the 'LagKernelWeight'.plot,LagKernelWeight,missing-method plot-LagKernelWeight
Plot the values of the 'LagOperator'.plot,LagOperator,ANY-method plot-LagOperator
Plot the values of the 'QuantilePG'.plot,QuantilePG,ANY-method plot-QuantilePG
Plot the values of the 'QuantileSD'.plot,QuantileSD,ANY-method plot-QuantileSD
Plot the values of a 'SmoothedPG'.plot,SmoothedPG,ANY-method plot-SmoothedPG
Plot the values of the 'SpecDistrWeight'.plot,SpecDistrWeight,missing-method plot-SpecDistrWeight
Class for quantile regression-based estimates in the harmonic linear model.QRegEstimator QRegEstimator-class
Create an instance of the 'QRegEstimator' class.qRegEstimator QRegEstimator-constructor
Class for a Quantile Spectral Estimator.QSpecQuantity QSpecQuantity-class
Class for a quantile (i. e., Laplace or copula) periodogram.QuantilePG QuantilePG-class
Create an instance of the 'QuantilePG' class.quantilePG QuantilePG-constructor
Class for a simulated quantile (i. e., Laplace or copula) density kernel.QuantileSD QuantileSD-class
Create an instance of the 'QuantileSD' class.quantileSD QuantileSD-constructor
Defunct functions in package quantspecct LaplacePeriodogram plotLaplacePeriodogram quantspec-defunct smoothedLaplacePeriodogram
Class for a smoothed quantile periodogram.SmoothedPG SmoothedPG-class
Create an instance of the 'SmoothedPG' class.smoothedPG SmoothedPG-constructor
Class for weights to estimate integrated spectral density kernels.SpecDistrWeight SpecDistrWeight-class
Create an instance of the 'SpecDistrWeight' class.specDistrWeight SpecDistrWeight-constructor
Validates if 'Y' is of an appropriate type and converts to a numeric.timeSeriesValidator
Functions to simulate from the time series models in Kley et. al (2016).ts-models ts1 ts2 ts3
Simulation of an AR(1) time series.AR1 ts-models-AR1
Simulation of an AR(2) time series.AR2 ts-models-AR2
Simulation of an ARCH(1) time series.ARCH1 ts-models-ARCH1
Simulation of an QAR(1) time series.QAR1 ts-models-QAR1
Interface Class to access different types of weighting functions.Weight Weight-class